24-Hour Emergency Plumbing in New York
Around-the-Clock Commercial-Grade Solutions
A plumbing problem can quickly turn into a disaster. A sudden burst pipe or unrestrained leak can cause tremendous damage to a wide area of your business, destroying inventory, damaging equipment, and creating dangerous conditions that include mold and mildew growth. Some plumbing problems aren’t quite so severe, but create conditions that are difficult or impossible to work around. Things like blocked drains can back up bathroom facilities making an unpleasant experience. All of this is bad news for any business, and that means you need a fast, reliable solution.
At Standard Plumbing Services, we are here to help you when you need us, and that includes overnight, on weekends, or even over holidays. We know you don’t get to choose when your plumbing problems happen, so we make it a point to be ready to help you whenever they do. We can dispatch a plumber out to you at any time, day or night, and get to work fixing your issue to minimize the disruption and get you back to business as usual as soon as possible. From damaged water lines to destroyed sewers, we have seen them all and we know what it takes to handle them. We use the latest tools and materials, and our extensive training ensures all services are done in accordance with best practices as well as the city’s stringent plumbing codes.
What Is a Plumbing Emergency?
Should you consider your problem emergency? There’s a pretty good chance you should. In fact, we consider any problem that could potentially disrupt your normal operation to be an emergency. That could be something as simple as a leaking pipe running through your ceiling or as serious as a major sewer line blockage that’s preventing the drains in your building from working correctly. Our licensed professionals have seen just about everything before, and their extensive training and experience allows them to handle the issue again for you. When we’re on your side, you’re in good hands—it’s that simple.
Why Standard Plumbing Services?

Over 30+
Years of

Your Partner
Every Step
of the Way


in Current

Built a

Certified, Trained
& Experienced
Past Success Stories Our Reviews
The standard of care, professionalism, & integrity exhibited by all staff has resulted in dozens of successful projects at each asset.
Contact Us
Call (212) 334-6661 or Fill Out the Form BelowWe will get back to you within 24 hours, or call us (212) 334-6661